Flex-N-Fly ships Monday through Friday, excluding weekends and select holidays. It takes 3-5 business days to process your order. Once the order is processed and shipped out, an email with your tracking number will be sent. We only offer standard shipping at this time. Transit time and courier service may vary depending on where your item was shipped from.

  • USA ORDERS (Within USA)

    • We offer USPS and UPS shipping on all USA domestic full-price orders. Estimated delivery time of 3-5 business days depending on location.
    • Sales tax will be charged on orders shipping to New York State. No other tax or import duty will be applied to orders shipped within the US.


We offer international shipping for an extra fee. Typically, customs or import duties are charged when the package arrives at its destination country. Fees on a shipment have to be paid by the receiver. Flex-N-Fly does not have control over these fees and cannot estimate or confirm what the fees would be, since customs policies and import duties vary from country to country. We recommend contacting the local customs office for information on fees before placing your order, to avoid unforeseen charges.


  • USA ORDERS (Within USA)

    • If you have decided to return your order, please contact us within 72 hours of package receipt to We will try our best to resolve any issues.


It is the responsibility of the buyer to make sure that the shipping address is entered correctly. If the wrong shipping address is provided, please contact us at immediately! We do our best to speed up processing and shipping times, hence there is a small- time gap to correct/change the address of your order and cannot guarantee the change. If the parcel is shipped with the incorrect address the courier may not accept an address change. If the parcel is returned and the buyer requests to reship the parcel additional shipping fees may be applied.